泰國 | 2022 | | 劇情,驚悚,同性

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「Self, we see you」 | Official teaser | Commuan Original . The story of a relationship that is connected by the reflection of a mirror. When the identity of "Tang" disappeared and was replaced by the shadow of "Neo" . Co-directed by Tu Asada Likhitboonma, the creators of 「Triat The Series」. and Natsor Sorawit Muangkaew, the writer of the Suphanhong Award-winning screenplay from "Let's go together" Produced by Ma Diao Chukiat Sakveerakul . Starring newcomers, Zen Burapha Trakulchuenwirat and Taiton Theeradej Rungrueng.

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第02集 整理于 2023年4月15日 23:58
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